The optical department in Upper Arlington will be closed for remodeling on Friday, May 17th, and Monday, May Attention Patients: Fraudulent Phone Calls Alert
It has come to our attention that some of our patients have been receiving suspicious phone calls from individuals claiming to be from our office and asking for personal information. Please be aware that these calls are not being made by our practice. We take your privacy and health very seriously and would never request personal information over the phone in this manner.

If you receive a call that you believe to be fraudulent, we recommend that you hang up immediately. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly using our official phone number listed on our website or provided to you during your visits. Remember, protecting your privacy and health is our top priority. If you are ever unsure about the legitimacy of a call claiming to be from our office, always err on the side of caution and contact us directly.

Picking Out The Best Glasses for You

October 11, 2019Tips

Picking Out The Best Glasses for You

October 11, 2019

We know that picking out a new pair of glasses can be a daunting task, but we are here to help make it easier. Whatever your reason is for getting a pair of glasses, at Northwest Eye Surgeons we are here to offer you as much help as we possibly can. See some of our tips below!


Look at Styles Beforehand 

Before going to actually pick out your new glasses, you’ve probably searched the internet a million times. After all, who doesn’t love a good Pinterest binge? You’ll find many different articles telling you the different styles of glasses, showing you which type you should get based on your face shape, and so much more. So, by now, you have discovered a lot of different styles of glasses that are available to you. But which one is right for you? 


Decide on Your Style 

No one can tell you which glasses you 100% have to buy, so knowing your preferred style beforehand is important. Walking in to buy your glasses could be very overwhelming if you haven’t previously thought about the new style you want. Depending on your prescription and insurance, your eyewear assistant should be able to help point you in the right direction. Some styles may not be available due to insurance, prescription, and overall fit, so it’s a good idea to come in with an open mind and a few different styles you like. 


Ensure Proper Fit

When you’re buying your glasses, the eyewear assistant will check for proper fit. This is an important step in the process as you want to make sure everything about your new pair of glasses is fitting you right. If the fit is not right, you could be dealing with annoying slips, slides, and much more. If you notice your glasses slipping a lot after a few months, take them back in to have them refitted as they may have loosened a bit after prolonged wear.  


Trying on new glasses can be a fun and exciting experience, so do your proper research beforehand so you don’t get too overwhelmed throughout the process. At Northwest Eye Surgeons, we want you to feel confident in your new glasses! We will work with you to ensure you find the right pair for you. Get in contact with us to set-up your next eye care appointment!

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