The optical department in Upper Arlington will be closed for remodeling on Friday, May 17th, and Monday, May Attention Patients: Fraudulent Phone Calls Alert
It has come to our attention that some of our patients have been receiving suspicious phone calls from individuals claiming to be from our office and asking for personal information. Please be aware that these calls are not being made by our practice. We take your privacy and health very seriously and would never request personal information over the phone in this manner.

If you receive a call that you believe to be fraudulent, we recommend that you hang up immediately. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly using our official phone number listed on our website or provided to you during your visits. Remember, protecting your privacy and health is our top priority. If you are ever unsure about the legitimacy of a call claiming to be from our office, always err on the side of caution and contact us directly.


Glaucome Treatment

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. In fact, as many as 6 million individuals are blind in both eyes from this disease. In the United States alone, according to one estimate, more than 3 million people have glaucoma.

Glaucoma has been named the “silent thief of the night,” because there is no pain or symptoms until the disease is advanced enough to be making an impact on your vision.

Glaucoma often linked to a buildup of pressure inside your eye. Glaucoma tends to be inherited and may not show up until later in life. The increased pressure, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to your brain. If the damage continues, glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss.

There is currently no cure, but it can be controlled if detected early. Treatment includes Glaucoma medication, beta blockers, laser surgery, and trabeculoplasty.

Glaucoma medication can help lower eye pressure.

Beta blockers are used to slow heart rate and decrease blood pressure. When taken in eye-drop form, it reduces eye pressure.

Laser surgery is a surgery using an intensely hot and focused beam of light to remove tissue and control bleeding.

Trabeculoplasty is a procedure using a laser to improve fluid drainage in the eye and reduce eye pressure.

Northwest Eye Surgeons is located in Columbus, Ohio and is ready to service any of your eye related needs. Call today to schedule your eye exam!


Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world.


Glaucoma often linked to a buildup of pressure inside your eye. The increased pressure can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to your brain.


There is currently no cure, but it can be controlled if detected early.


In the United States alone, according to one estimate, more than 3 million people have glaucoma.


Glaucoma has been named the “silent thief of the night“, because there is no pain or symptoms until the disease is advanced enough to be making an impact on your vision.


Glaucoma tends to be inherited and may not show up until later in life.

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