If this is a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately. For urgent inquiries, please call 614-451-7550.
Are you a new patient?YesNo What type of visit will this be?Routine VisitSpecific ProblemOpticalOther Which ophthalmologists or optometrists would you like to see?Optical AppointmentKenneth A. Boyle, M.D.Dan Brown, M.D.Jeffrey C. Oehler, M.D.Nicholas A. Rogers, M.D.Todd E. Whitaker, M.D.Michael B. Kayser, O.D.Michael E. Lembach, O.D. What day(s) work best for you?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayNo Preference
What time of day is best for you?MorningLunchtimeAfternoonEveningNo Preference How would you like us to contact you?Home NumberWork NumberCell NumberEmail
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