Ease of scheduling appointments by phone (*) 54321N/A
Appointment available within a reasonable amount of time (*) 54321N/A
Receiving care for illness/injury as soon as you wanted it (*) 54321N/A
Efficiency of the check-in process (*) 54321N/A
Waiting time in the reception area (*) 54321N/A
Waiting time in the exam room (*) 54321N/A
Keeping you informed of any delays in your appointment time (*) 54321N/A
Ease of getting a referral when you needed one (*) 54321N/A
The courtesy of the person who took your call (*) 54321N/A
The friendliness and courtesy of the receptionist (*) 54321N/A
The concern of our medical assistants (*) 54321N/A
The helpfulness of the people assisting you with billing or insurance (*) 54321N/A
Your phone calls being answered promptly (*) 54321N/A
Getting advice or help when needed during office hours (*) 54321N/A
Explanation of your procedure (if applicable) 54321N/A
Your test results reported in a reasonable amount of time (*) 54321N/A
Effectiveness of our health information materials (*) 54321N/A
Our ability to return your calls in a timely manner (*) 54321N/A
Your ability to contact us after hours (*) 54321N/A
Your ability to obtain prescription refills by phone (*) 54321N/A
Willingness to listen carefully to you (*) 54321N/A
Taking time to answer your questions (*) 54321N/A
Amount of time spent with you (*) 54321N/A
Explaining things in a way you could understand (*) 54321N/A
Instructions regarding medication/follow-up care (*) 54321N/A
Thoroughness of the examination (*) 54321N/A
Advice given to you on ways to stay healthy (*) 54321N/A
Hours of Operation convenient for you? (*) 54321N/A
Overall comfort (*) 54321N/A
Adequate parking (*) 54321N/A
Signage and directions easy to follow (*) 54321N/A
Our Practice (*) 54321N/A
The quality of your medical care (*) 54321N/A
Would you recommend Northwest Eye Surgeons to others? YesNo
If NO, please tell us why:
If there is any way we can improve our services to you, please tell us about it:
Gender MaleFemaleN/A
Your Age Under 1818-3031-4041-5051-60Over 60N/A
Are you? A New PatientA Returning PatientN/A
Please provide your name if you would like to further discuss how we can continue to better your experience:
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